We help organizations engage the public through meaningful hands-on and digital interactions.


We create museum exhibits. 

Beautiful. Educational. Memorable. Inspiring. Multi-sensory. Digital. Tough. Museum exhibits must be many things. They must do even more. We work with our museum clients to target their strategic objectives in the design and fabrication of exhibits that bring visitors back time and again.


Interpretive exhibits for visitor centers.

Visitor Centers often face special challenges because they have to be everything to everyone—they must plant the seeds of discovery for both the visiting school group and the visiting scholar, the part-time hobbyist and the PhD. We engage with subject-matter experts to develop rich content that serves everyone. We work peer-to-peer with our museum clients' creative teams to realize their vision for unforgettable experiences.


Spaces where people go to expand their horizons.


There are a million great ways to use your space as a medium for the stories you want to tell. We help you be the bridge between your space and the community supporting it. We co-create with universities, industry partners, and sponsoring organizations, shaping their creativity and expertise into exhibits that achieve every stakeholder's strategic objectives.


We design to influence behavior in ways that help our customers meet strategic business objectives.